Patricia Meadows, MS, RN, RCST, SEP

About Patricia
I am a holistic nurse/counselor, trauma therapist, educator, teacher and facilitator of inner work. Before going into private integrative practice, I worked for over 30 years in healthcare and mental health in a variety of capacities--as a nurse, nurse educator, healthcare education director and educator, internal HRD/OD consultant, and clinical counselor. I have worked across the lifespan from birth to death, as well as across the continuum of health and disease. The consistent thread throughout all these various roles has been healing, optimizing health and human potential and supporting the movement toward wholeness.
For the past 15 years I have been in private practice facilitating integral healing and integral process work for individuals and groups. Currently in my integrative practice, I facilitate a process-oriented approach to healing, transforming and living authentically, which focuses on the whole person (body/mind/soul) and all elements of human experience. As a holistic nurse/counselor, I guide, support, teach, and facilitate others in their movement toward greater health, wellbeing, embodiment, and essential wholeness. As an integral process-facilitator, I facilitate inner work or “soul work.” I serve as a witness, mentor, guide, and “midwife” for those in the process of giving birth to themselves — to their deepest and truest self and to their fullest, embodied presence and potential.
Within this integral and holistic context, I also work as a trauma therapist with indivduals who have experienced diverse forms of trauma (pre-and perinatal, attachment, relational, developmental, medical/surgical, emotional, physical, sexual, spiritual) to help them: release the symptoms of trauma deeply held in the bodysoul and physiology; learn new skills of resourcing and self-regulations; experience greater capacity , aliveness, freedom from suffering and well-being. I integrate Somatic Experiencing (SE) with extensive, specialized training/experience in: integral healing/process work; attachment work; prenatal and birth trauma therapy; biodynamic craniosacral therapy, energy healing; Authentic Movement; and spiritual work. My work is deeply informed by long-term spiritual practice in the Diamond Approach, spiritual inquiry and mediation.

My foundational education and experience is in nursing. I have both a BSN, as well as an MS in Community Health Nursing, with a concentration in nursing education and an emphasis in Systems Theory and integrative, community-based models. As a nurse, I have practiced and taught literally across the lifespan, with people of all ages, and with those experiencing major life and health transitions (from those giving birth and being born, to those approaching the end of life and preparing to make the transition of death). I have a second MS in Community Mental Health Counseling, with concentrations in both Clinical Counseling and Organizational Development, which prepared me for private practice with individuals and groups, as well as for facilitating organizational transformation. I have been clinically trained to integrate both traditional and complementary approaches to maximizing/optimizing the health and human potential of individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities.
I completed six years of doctoral studies in East/West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, specializing in psychospiritual development and the integration of spirituality, psychology, and healing. One of my areas of interest and exploration during my doctoral studies was the interface of pre-and perinatal psychology and transpersonal psychology in the context of adult psychospiritual development. Specifically, I have had a long-term interest in exploring prenatal consciousness, including both our original “blueprint” of wholeness, as well as “imprints” to the bodysoul in the process of coming into form and the resolution of this imprinting in order to support fully embodying non-dual presence.
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